
Networx systems jobs
Networx systems jobs

Recruiters can quickly and easily reach relevant applicants with vacancy details and simply share the latest requirements with multiple agencies.Promote jobs to thousands of job seekers with automatic publishing to careers pages, job boards, and social media platforms.Delivers excellence across the entire recruitment workflow and candidate experience journey, from tailored applications to automated sifting and intuitive onboarding micro-sites.Modular solution built by recruiters for recruiters, so the applicant tracking systems can be flexible and configurable.

networx systems jobs

It also supports integration with various HR systems and third-party applications like Tableau, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Networx lets managers generate and share reports with internal stakeholders to gain insights into trends, application processes, recruitment performance, and other metrics. Recruiters can also communicate with applicants via personalized emails and text messages and track the recruitment progress and performance of candidates on a centralized dashboard. It offers a host of features such as branded vacancy advertisements, predefined workflows, candidate database, intranet publishing, candidate sifting tools, video interviews, onboarding portal, and more. Networx allows enterprises to create and post job vacancies across company websites, social media channels, and job boards to engage with the target audience and reach the relevant candidates.

networx systems jobs

The built-in vacancy authorization module enables organizations to establish an online requisition process with authorization hierarchy, audit trails, job-specific forms, and real-time monitoring. Networx is a cloud-based recruitment management software designed to help businesses streamline the entire hiring lifecycle, from sourcing applicants to screening, shortlisting, hiring, and onboarding employees.

Networx systems jobs